Forensic Evaluation

Forensic Evaluation

Forensic Neuropsychology refers to the application of neuropsychological science and practice within the legal system, such as medical-legal cases, neuropsychological IMEs, disability claims, guardianship, and criminal proceedings. Forensic neuropsychological evaluations can determine the presence and severity of cognitive deficits in cases of confirmed or suspected brain injury; document the extent and nature of functional deficits or disabilities; determine functional capacity and/or competency; identify the probable cause(s) of any existing impairments (including any psychological/behavioral issues that may be impacting functioning); and provide an opinion as to probable prognosis.

A medical-legal or forensic evaluation differs from a clinical evaluation in a number of important ways. For example, the referring party is typically an attorney, and no treatment is offered or provided. It usually requires a more extensive review of records than is typically needed for a clinical evaluation, in order to better understand the nature of the reported pathology, as well as to most accurately characterize an individual’s past and present functioning. Importantly, medical-legal assessments also include detailed assessment of an individual’s motivation to perform optimally (i.e., performance/symptom validity testing). The experts at ANS employ sophisticated state-of-the art techniques to determine the legitimacy of the symptoms/deficits that are being claimed, and in doing so are able to document the degree of actual psychological and cognitive injury.

In addition to conducting comprehensive in-person evaluations and/or providing expert witness testimony, we are available to conduct case reviews, which may include critically reviewing the expert opinions given by other neuropsychologists, in order to provide an objective, independent, expert opinion. We will prepare attorneys with questions they may wish to ask when examining witnesses during depositions and trial testimony. Private consultation provides an attorney with important information about the neuropsychological merits of the case and possible strategies. We also provide research or consultative services independent of a neuropsychological evaluation.

If you are interested in meeting with one of our neuropsychologists for a forensic consultation, please call our office at (646) 493-6050. You can also request an appointment using our convenient online form.
